What's happening at
St Mary's
10am Holy Communion: please join us for our main service every Sunday, with music from our choir and activities for primary and pre-school children.
8:30am Morning Prayer: Morning Prayer every Monday (barring Bank Holidays).
8am Holy Communion: we offer this service from the Book of Common Prayer on the 4th Sunday of each month, apart from at Christmas and Easter. The next service will be on 20th April.
4pm Choral Evensong: this often takes place on the first Sunday of the month. The next service will be on 6th April.
St Mary’s Community Café: Open every Saturday and Tuesday from 10am–12pm. Everyone is welcome.
On Tuesdays, the Community Café hosts an arts and crafts table. Bring your own art or craft projects to work on, use donated materials to help create items for sale at future church events, or support initiatives such as knitted blanket squares. If you want to learn knitting or crochet, we can help. There’s plenty of time to chat too! If anyone has odd bits of wool or fabric they’d like to donate, these items would be very welcome.
On the second Saturday of each month, there is an informal prayer meeting in the St Francis chapel at 9:30am, before the Community Café opens, with a particular focus on praying for the life of our church. The next meeting will be on the 14th December.
The church is also open every Monday 10am-12pm for Take a Break Café and every Thursday 11:30am-1pm for Ignite. Everyone is most welcome to attend.